It seems like Texas isn't the only state that has some far out foods at their state fair.
This little piece of work would certainly serve a hungry person or two, don't you think? My question is...who in their right mind would even attempt to eat this bad boy? Just looking at it makes me full!

Gasp! State fair features 1,500-calorie ‘Donut Burger’
Decadent dish promises a quarter-pound burger in between slices of grilled doughnut
Decadent dish promises a quarter-pound burger in between slices of grilled doughnut
The "Big Kahuna Donut Burger" will appear at this year's New York State Fair.
SYRACUSE, New York — Want fries with that ... doughnut?
A food booth in Syracuse will feature the "Big Kahuna Donut Burger" at this year's New York State Fair.
For between $5 and $6, the adventurous eater will get a quarter-pound burger in between slices of a grilled, glazed doughnut. Toss on some cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato and onion and you've got yourself a 1,500-calorie meal.
Adam Richman on bodily reactions, unexpected guilty pleasures
America's state fairs can be counted on to provide foods featuring offbeat ingredient combinations. Wisconsin has chocolate covered bacon on a stick, you can get fried beer in Texas, Massachusetts provides fried jelly beans and North Carolina has the "Koolickle," pickles soaked in Kool-Aid.
New York's fair opens Aug. 25.
Now the true "question of the day" is what are we going to have for desert after this? Must be something pretty special!
On second thought, I'll just wait and let it be a surprise! In fact, I may not even think of eating again until next week!
Until then, why don't we have some fresh coffee on the patio? Need something to wash down that "burger!"
While not a doughnut fan I do Love a good Hamburger, but I'll pass on that one thank you.
But dang it, you got me all worked up now thinking about what to get for lunch later when I do go out. Cause I "had" thought about seafood, but now? Maybe a big ole hand made cheese burger from my local specialty place.
Around these parts the fair season signals the end of summer. I kinda hate to see they've started to advertise them already.
As for the food . . . I'll save you the gory details and say I've learned my lesson.
Wandering around a State Fair all day after trying to eat one of those ought to be a memorable experience to savor after an interlude of years not savoring it.
Nice post amigo, and hope your lunch rests easy on your stomach.
Yuck. No wonder there are so many obese people in this country.
Hi HJ, I really enjoy a good cheesburger, but would rather have it on a nice crispy hard roll vs. a glazed donut. I would have to pass up this unique treat, but the coffee sounds good.
Another sweet and sour recipe. Thanks for more info and have a great Sunday
Hmmmmm......were those brown sugar and cinnamon fries you were offering? With bleu-cheese dressing?
Missing Blog?
I often read other blogs listed on your page.
Do you know what happened to this one?
Survive the Worst
Thriver: The Medicine Man
11 hours ago
I went there and there is a notice that the blog has been removed.
Maybe because of the donut burger??
:P that is nasty. Like momlady said and with heart problems too. I don't eat donuts they really don't sit well and then with all that grease. Time to change the subject.
Lets just enjoy some coffee and be happy.
Have a wonderful Sunday my Special One
Hey Ben...
Didn't mean to stir up anything! Besides, at our age I'm wondering if eating one of these is such a good idea!
I really appreciate you coming over this morning, buddy!
Hey SixBears...
Guess it's the same about all the fairs! Sort of marks the end of the season.
I probably don't want to know the gory details of your experience, if you put it like that!
Thanks for the visit today!
Hey Jules...
Probably a good idea to wait until all the rides are finished, at least! I can see the potential for a big mess there!
After one of these, just walking might be hard enough!
Hey, thanks for coming by today!
Hey Momlady...
This might certainly add to that problem! Not something for the calorie watchers, huh?
The cost alone is enough to turn me off!
Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!
Hey Beatrice...
think I'll have to pass on the donut part myself! Never did care for ketchup on my sweets!
I'm with you on the good ol' hard bun for the burger!
I do appreciate you coming by today!
Hey Mechanic...
Sweet and sour does seem to describe it, for sure!
I probably would have to eat mine with a fork! Don't think that even MY mouth is big enough to bite this thing!
Thanks, my friend, for coming by today.
Hey Gorges...
Please tell me that those fries are NOT something you actually had before!
I hate to say it, but that doesn't even sound like something I want to try! I like all the different parts by themselves, but not all together.
Thanks for coming over today!
Hey Anne Mouse...
Probably just another Blogger hiccup! That's been a problem a lot lately!
I get the same message when I go there!
Thanks for dropping in today!
Hey JoJo...
Certainly didn't want to mess up your Sunday dinner plans! Have to admit, it does seem a little early for such a heavy meal!
Thanks, sweetie. for coming by today!
Have yall ever realized how small that 1/4 lb patty is? It just doesn't make for a good burger.
Desert after that! Well, keeping with the spirit of over the top, how bout a deep fried Snickers Bar to finish you off?
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