Sorta makes you feel like you are not totally alone in all this mess, doesn't it? I mean, if you and me and even horses can have these kind of days when all we wanted to do was just have a little bit of fun, live our lives, and NOT get our heads stuck in places they shouldn't be...then obviously the world just isn't fair!
Luckily, a friendly passing rancher just happened to see the trouble this poor guy was in and stopped to help. With a carefully placed chain saw, the rancher was able to remove the tree branch from around the poor horse's head, but not before snapping a couple of pictures.
Maybe some poor passing rancher will stop and lend us a hand...oh, sorry! I forgot. Ranching is being run out of business because of additional taxation by the government to pay for banking bailouts and new road construction and auto industry bailouts...
Looks like we are on our own! So why don't we just sit back, relax and take a deep breath, and I'll put on a fresh pot of coffee...!
Where do you get these pictures? It is kinda funny, kinda.
"Luckily, a friendly passing rancher just happened to see the trouble this poor guy was in and stopped to help. With a carefully placed chain saw, the rancher was able to remove the poor horse's head, but not before snapping a couple of pictures."
Thank God he saved the tree! He removed the horses head with a chainsaw?
Hahaha....just funnin' ya!
Hey Treesong...glad you could drop by. A friend in Ne Zealand sent me the pics...glad you enjoyed them!
Have a good one!
Hey Catman...Whoops!! Thanks or spotting that mistake...as you noticed, I have corrected the phrase, so the horses hed is NOT removed by the chainsaw, only the tree!
Must have been too sleepy when I posted! Thanks for syopping by, my man!
Hi Jim,
Perfect timing, today is one of those days for me, but this made laugh!
Yes, it isn't just us, and good to know the head did not have to get cut off.. ;)
(Catman, that was too funny!)
Hey Lydia...thanks for stopping by. That's what happens when you don't proof read an article or post!
Makes ya feel a little stupid...I know better!
Hey Jim, Nah no reason to feel stupid! We all do it. Gave us a few more chuckles, that's all. Have a great day!
Well...you know mw! I'm alwys there to provide a daily chuckle or two, if possible!
Thanks again!
Thanks for the laugh--I've definitely had those days! Enjoying your blog!
How do those who are both Extreme animal rights and environmental activist handle this one? (And i mean EXTREME here, folks- i'm an animal lover and revere nature myself.)
Tree, or hours? Horse or tree?
funny stuff, Hermit! thanks (to N.Z. too!) for the grins...
Hey Angela...glad to have you drop by! I'm glad you are enjoying the blog and making folks smile a little is a goal I work toward.
Have a good day and don't be a stranger, OK?
Hey Cygnus...I'm thinking that horse ws so glad to get out...he didn't even care if the guy was either one!
Wouldn't matter to me!
Yeah Hermit I have & so has some of the online friends. Please read my post about the mistake concerning seed companies, Monsanto & Seminis. Sooner or Later ya know...
Hey Stephanie...thanks for dropping by. I'm gonna shoot over and read that post right now...
Thanks again!
OM I'm just glad the poor thing was ok lol
Hey Molly...
From what I understand, the horse had a slightly dislocated jaw...but is doing just fine now!
Thanks for coming by for a visit!
lol. Everyday I sit in bumper to bumper traffic I'm having one of those days.
Hey man...I can sympathize, believe me! Being recently retired, I am so glad to be free of the grind of the back and forth warzone of rush hour traffic!
That, and NOT having to deal with John Q. Public anymore, was reason enough to retire early...and I would do it all over again!
Just hang in, my friend. It will all be over soon! (rush hour, I mean!)
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