Instead of the usual stuff today, I thought I'd share this little beauty with you.
It's called an Albino Peacock and it's very rare! It's also very beautiful! Just goes to show that if we don't manage to totally destroy every living creature on this old Earth, we will have the opportunity in the future to see this treasure and many, many more!
Let's hope that the PTB manage to control themselves long enough so that our children and maybe our grandchildren have the chance to enjoy sights such as this.
However, with that being said, I want you to know that I truly enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature. That's one of the reasons that I want out of the city.
I want to be free of the ugliness of concrete and the smell of gasoline and exhaust fumes. I want to wake up to the sounds of gentle breezes and birds singing, instead of the head splitting sound of sirens and traffic jams.
I want to be able to see the blue of the sky without it being polluted with the smog and poisonous fumes of the petrol-chemical plants nearby.
I want to be able to sit on my own front porch on my own land at night, unafraid, with no sounds to disturb me except the gentle sound of night that nature makes. All I want in this life is peace of mind.
I want to eat food that I grow, from seeds that I plant, on land that I own. No following rules made by people I don't know, agencies I don't recognize, and powers that don't have my best interest in mind at all!
In short, I want to live as a free American, in the fashion our forefathers intended. I want to be free to oppose unjust laws, to speak out against any injustice, and to defend myself and my loved ones against all oppressors, foreign and domestic!
I give you this quote by someone much more eloquent than I...
" I know not what others may choose but, as for me, give me liberty or give me death."
Patrick Henry
God Bless America, the true America!
Now, let's go get some coffee, my friend!
Jim, so many long for just those simple pleasures. Peace is the thing I have chased all my life. I have been told it can only be found within. But I still like looking for it. lol Good luck getting out of that dirty old city. Merle Haggard song "Big City". "Big City turn me loose and set me free"
Hey Chris...thanks for dropping by. Funny how something so simple gets to mean more and more to us as we grow older! Maybe it's true that we are getting a little wiser as well?
Appreciate the visit, my friend!
Very nice, Jim.
I've never been very fond of Peacocks, although they are very nice to look at. They're messy, and noisy. I used to do a lot of work down on the Naval Post Grad School in Monterey, Ca. When it was foggy, they'd sit in the trees and make the most eerie noise. God help you if you parked your car under where they were roosting!
Hey Catman...Spooky how they can sound just like a womn screaming at times, huh? I'm told that they make wicked watch dogs because of the noise they make, but I don't know about that!
Hey, I appreciate the viit, my friend!
Hi Jim, That sure is beautiful! There is a place not far from here that has a peacock farm and I don't think they even have an all white one! very pretty. As Catman said though they really are noisy, and spooky! but that's me and the great creature hood. ;)
Well hey, the place you describe sounds just like where I live! BUT I have electricity and such. Also I do have neighbors. They're nice though. :)
Have a nice day!
Hey Lydia...maybe I should move to your neighborhood! I don't mind the electricity, but really don't want any close neighbors. A couple of miles in between is close enough for me!
Thanks so much for stopping by and you have a good day, my friend!
wow, it truly is amazing some of the treasures that nature holds. The guy down the street from me owns a peacock that occasionally makes it's way into my yard. Doesn't looking anything like that though. Amazing
Hey Kookster...glad to see ya, my friend! I think this one is very unusual, although I haven't seen one in a long time!
Thanks for stopping by...
So much freedom has been usurped by those "PTB" post-9/11-- ptb in quotes because WE THE PEOPLE are , or used to be the ones in power...
Ironic, sad, so many adjectives. Dangerous. Worse, then better? Likely. I often wonder if the sheep will ever grow back the protective freedom sheared from them-- or even feel the loss...
But enough negativity.
Are peacock good eatin'? I've never heard such... just came to mind to ask!
Here's to that solitude, Hermit. And the return of that freedom...
That was a beautiful post Jim.
Wish we could all join you. But then it would be crowded :)
Maybe a screening process would be in order? Given by Jim and his roomies. haha
Later :))
Hey Blondie...remember, you can have the 5 acres next door to mine! So in your case, no screening process is necessary!
Glad you enjpoyed the post and thanks for stopping by!
Hey Cygnus...we'll just keep on prepping and getting ready to go to the country! Right?
Hi Hermit, I love reading your blog every day; however my computer has been in for repairs and I haven't had it since Christmas. Anyway I was catching up with your blogs and the one dated January 2, really hit home. I also went through a year (2000) where I went through a divorce, went through a bankruptcy, lost my business, my house and my wife. I did still have joint custody of my two sons. Anyway, maybe misery loves company; you are an inspiration to me. You've made the best of a bad situation. 9 years later I'm still struggling to get out of that hole, financially and mentally. Each year is getting better and I have a wonderful relationship with my 2 sons. Anyway, Happy New Year to you. I hope you get to live where you want and how you want. Just keep an eye open for spiders. Take care. John Nelson
My sentiments on the city life go like this, "Set me free, Set me free,this city holds no place for me. That's one of the most lovely birds I've seen, thanks for sharing.
Hey John...I'm glad you could drop by and want to tell you I'm pleased you are a regular reader. I want to thank you for the kind words. Hope that all keeps getting better for you and the most important thing is that you have stayed on good terms with your sons! That speaks volumes about who and what you are, bro.
Thanks for the good thoughts and wishes, and thanks again for dropping by!
Hey Diane...glad you could drop by tonight! I couldn't agree more on your thoughts about city life...that's why I'm looking forward to moving to some land that I bought in the desert in West Texas!
Glad you enjoyed the picture of the bird, and also glad you came by!
Don't be a stranger!
Hey Jim, love that bird man. I think they have a peacock like that at the Playboy Mansion, really, Heff's into animals like that big time. Hang in there man, I know you will be on the front porch of your cabin on your own property soon, sippin on that coffee. Until then just close your eyes and dream...then wake up and go chase that dream...chase it like something's after ya....cause there is....the gov. LOL
Hey Bullseye...it is pretty for sure! Wouldn't surprise me that Heff would have something like that! Good thing to spend all that money on, I reckon...if ya ain't preppin'.
Gonna be sitting on that front porch sooner than I thought, looks like! Should be there or on the way before the middle of the summer!
When I get there, I'll be a little harder to find....just in case anyone is looking to catch up!
Ummmmm.... Yeah, what he said.
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