These pictures were taken in a town called Vernoix in Switzerland.
I'm afraid this is a little too cold for me! When I look at pictures like this, I'm glad I live in Texas! With the present temps in Houston running in the 50s...and expected to be in the middle 70s tomorrow, I feel guilty when I see this kind of picture!
I only have one question when I see places with this kind of ice...why would anyone want to live there, especially in the Winter?
That has GOT to call for some hot coffee...want to join me, my friend?
LOL It's not the winters I love here in Vermont, it's the summers. Down there when you have 100F+ and humid, I'll be enjoying my 75F! I cannot stand the heat. Once it gets over 85, you can forget it.
Makes me want to put a coat on just looking at it. My Folks moved to Maine from Florida and wonder why we don't visit.
Looks just like the ice storm we had in Oklahoma last year... power was out for a couple weeks. Ok if you have a generator, bad if you need to drive somewhere.
Ah reminds me of Michigan, and why I moved to Florida.
Hey OWMom...I'm just the opposite. I lik the hot, but don't do cold very well...
Hey Wendigo...I hear ya on needing coat when looking st these pics. I'm a whuss when it comes to this type of COLD!
Hey Shinerbock...don't like to remember the ice storms I've been through. Kinda like the hurricanes...I try and forget them!
Hey MyWay...sorta makes the most chilly Florida day seem pretty good, huh?
Hey, thanks to all you guys for dropping by! I appreciate it!
Stay warm today, OK?
Hi Jim,
Yikes! I thought we had it bad, but that's insane. I sometimes wonder why we live here too, but like OWMom said, I also can't stand it when it's too hot.
Perfect 70F...Hawaii?
have a great day!
Hey Lydia...my pretty friend! If you decide to move to Hawaii, let me know and I will stow away in your luggage, ok?
Thanks for stopping by today!
I would love to live in an area like that. Odd, I know, since I've developed Cold Urticaria (allergic reaction to cold temperatures). But I like the cold, and hate hot weather, and my dog feels the same way. That's why I looked in the Ozarks for land.
But you can always just spend summers there and go back to your desert in the winter. :-D
Hey Ashley...good of you to drop by! You can have my share of the cold...wouldn't be so bad if I could keep my feet warm.
Holy heck! And I thought we got bad winters in Iowa...although we had the flooding last year and we already have more snow this year... wonder if the flood of 09 will be worse than 08 :/
Hey Aaron...thanks for stopping by...
I don't even want to be anywhere near that much ice! Especially with the way people drive here in Houston.
Maybe I could find a little bit of liquid warmth there? You know...just a touch to keep my spirits up a bit?
Oh, and some hand made wool socks would be nice, too!
Thanks for coming by!
It is definitely cold.
Hey Leon...I appreciate you dropping by today. Some people seem to thrive in the cold, those like me seem to do better in the hot or really warm weather...
Hey, don't be a stranger...and thanks for coming by!
hey andy! Mind if I send a friend from Reno to visit? She'll sing ya a good song, and makes some great bar-b-que!!
Hermit...sure makes the two sites seem better than one don't it?!?
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