My Baby Sis sent me this and I liked it so much, I wanted to share!
Besides, I'm lazy today...and this seemed like an easy way out! On top of that, I have to go to the V.A. to do the blood test thing. Bummer, huh?
How do you like this security system?
This is a true story of a garage owner in the Southwest.
He was sick & tired of thugs breaking into his garage shop to steal tools etc.
He came up with this idea…
He would have a large fluffy dog professionally cut & trimmed to appear as a "Lion". Then he put the word out that he had a new "Mexican Lion" at the shop that would attack anyone who tried to break in or climb his fence.
The would-be thieves apparently saw the “Lion” from a distance and fled the scene.
This worked each and every time -- they were convinced it was a REAL Lion! Ingenious guy!

Just goes to show, folks, when all else fails use the most important tool in your collection to solve your problems...your mind!
Now, my friend, let's get some coffee and sit for a while before I have to go to the V.A.!
Good luck at the VA, Mister Hermit, sir!
Funny story...and clever, too - I always enjoy creative problem solving.
Shade and Sweetwater,
Hey K...
Thanks, Lady! The blood test itself is no problem...I don't even have to study for it!
Glad you like the story...and you are right! Best problem solving is done by the proper amount of grey matter!
Thanks for the visit, my friend!
I hope Obama doesn't show up to do your blood test.
The pics of the dog are a riot. "Mexican Lion", that's crazy.
Now his secret is out, I'm sure he'll get ripped off everynight. I'll bet someone even steals his "lion"!
Speaking of which, dog nappings are up here in California. People are stealing family pets and selling them to labs for medical research.
Hey Catman...
Ya have to give the guy credit for being creative, for sure! He could have let the dog run around for a couple of days, then turned loose a real lion at night! That would have got their attention!
Hey, thanks for coming by, buddy!
That's good thinking.
He makes a GREAT lion!! I love it!
Now you be careful today, Jim! After all the pokin and proddin, let's say we add a little something to our coffee?
My condolences about the VA. The "lion" does look real in profile tho. I'd sure do a double take!
Just looks like a big old pussy cat.
Good luck getting stuck.
See Ya
Good morning my Special One, I know all will be well at the VA, glad you didn't even have to study for that test :). I have a friend who has their Chow cut and shaved liked that and let me tell you that guy really does look like a lion.
Refill please.
I'd be pretty leary about going in even if I knew it was dog. A dog with a hair cut like that is bound to be pissed off anyway.
Hey Vlad...
I is!
Thanks for the visit!
Hey Cath...
Sounds like a plan to me...I like a little extra from time to time, y know?
Thanks for coming by!
Hey YOF...
The profile does make you want to do a double take!
Thanks for coming by!
Hey Tony...
I guess the secret is to first find a dog with the right kind of fur! It might help if he cound growl real loud!
Thanks for dropping in, buddy!
Hey JoJo...
Yeah, I hate to study, ya know?I don't even want to see the chow with this haircut...spooky!
I sure am glad you could come by, sweetie!
Hey Hermit...I think you're right! Don't need to press our luck, that's for sure!
Thanks for the visit, buddy!
Ha! Love the ingenuity of some people, HermitJim! Now if the dog can just resist the urge to bark, he won't blow his cover! lol
Hey W.W.R.W.H...
Hey, I appreciate the fact that some folks think about the problem...and then often take a unused path to solve it! Gotta love the thinking man!
I really do appreciate you dropping by today, my friend! it!
I'll bet that dog is thinking 'Man's Best Friend my a$$', lol. Lion Cut - our PetSmart attempted to convince us to cut my dog's hair like that, but I put my foot down - heck no! He's hairy enough (Australian Shepard / Chow mix) but he would just look too funny for words.
Fantastic! And it sure looks like a small lion :-) :-) Somethig to remember if I ever need to protect my home from thieves :-)
Hope everything went well with the VA!
Have a great day now!
Hey Molly...
makes for a pretty unique pet, doesn't it? Some recorded roars might have finished off the effect!
Thanks for coming by!
Hey Anon 11:56...
Now that you mention it, the look on his face in the first picture does look really pitiful! You can't help but feel a little sorry for him...
I can only imagine that after that haircut, he was and is ready to bite someone!
Hey, thanks for coming by today!
Hey Christer...
Instead of a dog with a haircut, I've been thinking of training my cats to bark like a dog! Now that would be a really good security tool and it would cost less to feed them as well!
I appreciate the visit today, my friend!
Great idea and pretty darn creative. Too bad I can't do that to my dog.
HEY MY DAD USED TO DO THAT TO ME. Thanks, now I know why the neighbors ran from me. Joke!
Hey Rae...
Bet your dog is glad you can't do it to him! His feelings might be hurt for sure!
Hey, thanks for coming by, Rae!
Hey Off Grid...
Yep, that might explain it! Could keep a guy from having too many friends, as well!
LOL...loved it. I had my blood work-up done last week...and had xrays today. I go see the doc on Thu. and see whats next. The joys of growing old.
Hey Diane...
Guess the best thing about growing that it beats the heck out of the alternative!
Hey, thanks for dropping by today!
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