Maybe this news story from the Houston Chronicle will tell the answer!

She does not fit the profile of the typical bank robber.
But whoever she is, she is every bit as bold and brazen as the men who carry out such crimes — perhaps even more so. She struck two Houston banks less than 4 miles apart in an hour's time Friday and was brazen enough not to cover her face.
FBI agents have nicknamed her the “Grandma Bandit.” From high-quality surveillance camera photos, she appears to be between 55 and 65. She had shoulder-length gray hair and wore eyeglasses.
Her forays into two different Compass Bank buildings Friday afternoon proved fruitful. After accosting tellers in both banks, she walked out with an undisclosed amount of cash. No one was injured.
While some bank robbers in the past have made excuses for their actions, saying they had medical bills or were out of work while parenting young children, this woman gave no explanation for her actions. She was seen driving a white sport utility vehicle.
“We are seeing more women engage in this type of criminal activity across the country, but it's still a very small percentage,” said FBI Special Agent Shauna Dunlap with the agency's Houston office. “Obviously, from her picture, she is an older woman — that's very unusual.
“No matter what your situation is or how old you are or how young you are, it doesn't give you the right to break the law.”
Her first robbery occurred at 12:40 p.m. Friday when she walked into the Compass Bank at 1217 West 43rd. She claimed to have a gun and demanded money.
She is believed to have struck again an hour later at another Compass Bank at 204 West 19th. Repeating her earlier strategy, she again walked away with money.
She is about 5 feet 2 to 5 feet 7 inches tall with a large build. She wore a camouflage cap, a bright purple shirt decorated with purple feathers on the front and blue jean shorts.
Crime Stoppers is offering up to $5,000 for tips leading to the woman's arrest. Anyone who recognizes her or who has information about either bank robbery can anonymously call the Crime Stoppers Hotline at 713-222-TIPS or the FBI's Houston office at 713-693-5000.
Now, you gotta figure that when the old folks start hitting the banks...and getting away with it, that's gonna put the younger bank robbers out of business! That means more folks on the unemployment roll! It's just a never ending circle, isn't it?
My friend, let's get some coffee...and talk about the sad state of affairs, OK?
oohhhh hi unclehermitjim!
what can we say? it's the hard times everywhere! i honestly feel so sad about that bit of news you have there. though in this part of the globe, the big time "robbers" are those wearing clean, business attire, are clean-cut, shaven and call themselves "public servants" who hold public office who rob us of our taxes to spend for election campaigns and dining sprees! i'm so sorry to tell you that, but that's the sad, so sorry state of affairs on this side of the planet...
oh well...we're just starting to get out of a terrible calamity that's 3 times hurricane Katrina...and, wow, i tell how devastating it really is. i'm sure you've seen it over cnn. we've had 400,000 people affected, 25 provinces destroyed almost 100 percent due to floods, 420 mm of rainfall in 9 hrs(!, normally that's about 2 months of rain!)...almost 100 dead in my city alone, and close to 100 more missing...
we need your positive thoughts, unclehermitjim...bless you for your kindness...bless your beautiful heart!
It is sad that times are so desperate for people. I can't believe the things even I have witnessed. Makes me wonder how much farther our country can sink into this economic crisis. I think we all need to be worried.
Next we'll have armed robbers at the food banks. Weird weird times. Saturday, I went to big lots near my house and it just felt creepy the way people were looking at each other.... but maybe I'm paranoid after reading all the blogs on your sidebar:)
Enjoy your coffee.
Whoo whee - big bad wolf had better stay away from that one, she's got teeth of her own!
Its when the economy tanks is when the people who are on the edge fall off and get nasty. A recent book I am reading by Neil Strauss (EMERGENCY) put it well - the sum of hopelessness, desperation and pain is often violence.
It's not even a woman Jim. It's Bill Gates in disguise.
The government robbed us, to pay off their banker masters. Then we rob banks. "Redistribution of wealth"! The circle is complete... Heh heh, go granny go!
Hey WW...
My heart goes out to you and your fellow countrymen during your time of hardship and distress!
y prayers and good thoughts will be with you and your family...
Tell your dear mother "hello" from me, and I hope that all of you will continue to be safe and stay healthy!
Thanks for coming by today, my dear friend!
Hey Rae...
It's sad to say, but I do think you are right!
I keep hoping that this current government will not be able to cause much more damage, but it looks like they are not finished by a long shot!
All we can do is to prepare and get ready for whatever comes our way!
Thank you so much for coming by today!
Hey Kris...
A little paranoia is kinda like insurance...better to have it an not need it...than to need it and not have it!
Remember the saying "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you!"
Makes you want to start packing protection, doesn't it?
Thanks for coming by today!
Hey Anon 718...
That about says it all, I'm afraid! A little healthy fear is a good thing as it can help to make be more aware and prepare a little more!
Hey, thanks for coming by!
Hey Hermit...
Well, the article did say that she was seen leaving in a white you gotta figure that she isn't your typical "Grandma" for sure!
I guess that even ol' Bill has to have a hobby!
Hey, I appreciate the visit, Hermit!
Hey Mayberry...
Just like I said in my losing comment on the post, "a never ending circle".
You notice that she never did show a gun or weapon...and her idea of a disguise was a camo baseball cap?
Must work pretty good, as they have not caught her yet!
I really appreciate you coming by today, my friend!
Uh...Mister Hermit, it wrong that I was cheering granny on?
I know, I know...robbing banks is wrong...but when CEOs get away with robbing pension funds and unions loot the rest for themselves, what's a grandma to do? Mediwhatsis isn't covering much of anything useful these days, and hips don't replace themselves!
It's a sad day when someone who SHOULD be enjoying her golden years feels she must stoop to such a low.
Meanwhile...I wonder if she'd like to adopt??
Shade and Sweetwater,
Hey K...
Guess we all gotta do whatever it takes to get by!
What gets me, is the fact that here is a grandma aged person, wearing a bright purple shirt with feathers, a camo baseball cap, driving a big white SUV...and the FBI and local cops can't find her? Do we really have that many of the folks in Houston running around town dressed like that?
Lord, I hope not!
Guess we can just be glad she wasn't a terrorist, huh?
Hey, I do thank you for coming by today!
The thought did cross my mind, Mister Hermit, sir, that "she" may be a "he" wearing loud clothing and driving an easily spotted vehicle for the crime in order to distract. Would you recognize her without the shirt, hat, and white SUV? I bet the witnesses could describe the clothing to the stitch, but faced with the person wearing something more...sedate...they wouldn't know her from any other older woman...or man.
Hide in plain sight.
Speaking of grannies...where was Nanny during all of this, eh?? :-D
Shade and Sweetwater,
Hey K...
I did a complete post on this very thing a while back!
I'll admit that the thought did cross my mind that it could be a man trying to leave false clues...but I'm sure that the FBI has considered that(surely!).
BTW, Nanny was not home that day...and when I went over to how the story to her, she said "Maybe she just needed a new hobby!"
Reckon that's a bad sign?
...great,just like all the other job soon to be 18 year old can't even rob a bank cuz the senior citezens beat her to it,they have to work too...!?!?!?
mornin'/almost afternoon Jim...
Hey Ken...
I guess that the job market is being flooded from all walks of life!
Even though it's wrong on a number of just gotta smile a bit at it!
Thanks for dropping by today!
So that where my momma got the extra money for my birthday present. :)
I can´t say I like bankrobbery, doesn´t matter the age. But I sure do have to admire her coolness! I would be so stressed that I probably wouldn´t be able to talk at all :-)
Have a great day now!
Hey Off Grid...
Guess that she figured what you didn't know, wouldn't hurt ya! Think of it this least you know where she is!
I'm surprised that someone didn't recognize this robber...but then again, maybe they did and are just not saying anything!
Hey, thanks for the visit, buddy!
Hey Christer...
Don't think that I would be able to do it either! Guess that we have to give her credit for being a cool customer, don't we?
Thanks for coming by today, my friend!
A friend sent me this Costco is selling dried food for less than 800 dollars and looks like a good deal to me. Nice for emergency useage but remember to get a few cans of coffee
hey Gary...
Thanks for the link. Can't ever have too much food!
I appreciate you dropping by today!
Hey Jim,
Saw Granny on the new out here in Cali yesterday.
Personally, I think she's on to something. They stole from us via the bastards in congress and that moron occupying that house at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, so why not just go in and get it back?
Hi Mr.Jim...thanks for this post, Now I know what Aunt Nellie has been up too. Gonna have to give her call.and ask her "TO SHOW ME THE MONEY!"
Hey Catman...
Who knows, she may get her own fan club going... we could all join and be called the "Granny Groupies"!
I guess this as good a way to get some of it back as any...and certainly gets a lot of publicity in the process!
Thanks for coming by, buddy!
Hey Diane...
You are going to have to keep an eye on Aunt Nellie...just to find out where she is hiding the take!
Maybe she just needs some cookie baking supplies, ya know?
Hey, thanks for coming by today, my friend!
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