Just to show my support for all things political, I'm going to take the day off!
Always the first Monday in September, Labor Day was the idea of Peter J. Maguire, a labor union leader who in 1882 proposed a celebration honoring the American worker.
Over the years, Labor Day has come to mark the end of Summer and , believe me, this year I am plenty ready for Summer to be over!!
I would really like to see some Fall, but here in South Texas we don't get the seasonal change like other parts of the country. Instead, we usually just go from hot weather straight into cold weather...no slowing down or gradual changing here!
So even though I'm retired, I'm taking the day off! Gotta support the national holidays, right?
Besides, being retired is hard work, ya know? (insert tongue in cheek here!) So, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit. Maybe you can take the day off with me!
Labor Day holiday...so why don't the "working" people truly get this day off eh?
Anyway, Happy Labor Day to all those who labor.
P.S. and for those who are retired too! *wink*
Hey Diane...
That's a true conundrum, isn't it? Working folks getting screwed as usual, especially on Labor Day!
I may have to work at baking some bread, just out of sympathy!
Hey, thanks for coming by this morning!
Morning Jim! I like your thinking - what kind of bread are yah whipping up? I finally found a source for rye flour and that's on my agenda for today. Woohoo! hehehe
Meet yah in the kitchen...
Good morning Jim;
As you know I retired in August and I don't know how I had time to work those 80 hr weeks.
Sleeping til 7am,trips to the range,gun stores,bait store, and fishing takes up most of the day. Then there is the reloading, and gun cleaning chores, and taking time to eat. Plus taking care of the camper....being retired IS hard work. So I trudge on.
Pour me another cup...I need a break.
See Ya
Enjoy your day off all. Yes as Tony mentioned it is hard work but I sure am enjoying it. Even all the rain that has been going on since I came out this way, and the cooler temps are the best part.
Hope there is still some bread left for the coffee tomorrow.
I am right there with you on this. I am ready for a change of seasons too.
Thankfully you haven't had any hurricanes or such to deal with down your way. Even with all the heat I guess that is one thing to be grateful for this Labor Day.
Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir.
I have often wondered why we celebrate having jobs by taking the day off.
I'm a mum - no day off for me!
We've had a preview of Autumn here, the last two weeks - sleeping with the windows open, enjoying cooler nights...lovely.
Bread, eh? Hmm...I think I'll see if I have the fixin's for banana bread...
Shade and Sweetwater,
Hey Cath...
Maybe we could have a community bread bake! I know many other readers out there bake (like K) and I'll bet that we could come up with a monster amount of goodies out of the oven!
Cath, I sure do appreciate you coming by this morning!
Hey Tony...
It is sure hard...all this having fun, isn't it? I never did understand folks that say they were bored. How can you be bored, with everything out there in the world to do...and so much of it is free?
I really appreciate you coming by today, my friend!
Hey JoJo...
You on-the-road rascal, you! Here we are, slaving over a hot loaf of bread...and there you are, gallavanting around all over the state with that new motor home!
Don't worry, Darlin'...I'll make ya some special bread when ya get back! Maybe some cinnamon rolls, who knows?
Next time I'll just have to go with ya...
Hey Rae...
Boy, you are certainly right about not having to worry about a hurricane, at least so far!
That is indeed something to be thankful for...!
Many thanks for the visit, Rae...always appreciated !
Hey K...
Does seem like a mother is always on call, doesn't it?
I remember a line that I heard somewhere "From break of day to setting sun, a woman's work is never done!"
That goes double for mom's, I'm sure!
Thanks for coming over this morning...we'll meet ya at the ovens!
...mornin'Jim...hell yeah i'll take a day off with ya,last couple days have been alot of work...lol
...will type more later...
Hey Ken...
There ya go! Just a couple more, and we'll have the makings of a good card game!
Man's gotta have a little bit of rest once in a while, huh?
Hey, thanks for coming over, buddy!
We don´t have Labour day over here, we have May first instead. But I wish we had it now in autumn instead, we have no holiday over here until Christmas but in spring and early summer we have loads :-)
Have a great Labourday now!
hey Christer...
Sometimes it seems like every time we turn around here, there is some type of government holiday! Most of them the post office is closed, as well as the schools.
Interesting to know all the different customs and holidays of other countries...
Thanks for coming by today!
Hey Mel...
That's really great news about you getting the satellite broadband! Sort of moving up in the world, huh?
It will be great to be able to stay in touch with you more!
I appreciate the greetings from the highlands...and also the visit!
Travel well, my friends!
I've heard something akin to that - A man works from sun to sun, a woman's work is never done.
Shade and Sweetwater,
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