Now, I don't know about you, but I feel that proper credit should be given to anyone that comes up with a great idea that can save mony!
Let me ask you a question...would you slow down a bit if you saw one of these in front of you? I know that I certainly would! In fact, I would do everything in my power to avoid it at all cost!

The beauty of these little gems is that they are man-made, completely portable, and can be moved from location to location daily! Just imagine, one person working alone could "fix" these holes at one location by himself...and take them to another location plagued by speeders! Talk about saving money...!

Another beautiful thing about these, is that they have to be cheaper than speed bumps, both to put in and maintain! They just make sense to me. In fact, they are so sensible, they will probably never be used in America! These are supposedly in use in Canada...but they probably don't get the amount of kickbacks to the county commissioners or highway officials that we do here in our system, ya know!

So simple, yet so effective! Who ever came up with these should certainly get a raise...or at least a medal! Sometimes the simplest things can make so much sense! It makes me say "Why didn't I think of that?", ya know?
My friend, let's get some coffee and sit in the kitchen for a there's another simple plan that I know will work! Don't you agree?
Hi Uncle Hermit,
Well, I must say that is one brilliant idea. They look so realistic.
A little too realistic, it looks like the road/state highway that I drive to work on everyday :(
At least they have finally started repairs, they are in the process of resurfacing it.
I hope you have a good Monday :D
Hey Felinae...
I think you're right about how realistic they are! It would certainly get my attention to have one in front of me...
You have a good day, and I appreciate you coming by!
Oh my. I really thought they were real. Yes they would be effective. I just wonder how many accidents they would cause also as people slam on their brakes to avoid them.
Morning HermitJim;
Simple plans are never used. Then we would not need to protect the idiot's from themselves.
Sigh....if only common sense would come back.
Damn they do look real.
See Ya. Coffee time.
Well you're right Jim, those are found in Canada. I've seen lots of them, but they were'nt the fold up and take away kind, they were real deal. lol.
Good Morning my Special One,
What a fantastic idea. And no we will never see those here. To easy a fix.
Would love to sit in your kitchen today I can bring fresh ground to the table.
Hey Rae...
I wondered about that as well! I can just see folks standing on their brakes to avoid hitting them...
Still, you have to admit it's a pretty unique idea!
Hey, thanks for the visit this morning...!
Hey Tony...
Common sense may be a thing of the past, I'm afraid!
Yep, they look real enough to get my attention!
Thanks for coming by, Tony!
Hey Hermit...
We have quite a few of the real ones around here as well! Some of ours may have been the ones they used for the pictures!
I really appreciate you coming by today...!
Hey JoJo...
Why are you posting as anonymous? Won't do any good, sweetie! I would know you anywhere!
Come on and sit in the kitchen for a bit! BTW, I'm glad you came by today!
Special One, I don't know what I did, LOL must have hit the send button to soon. :0 must need more coffee.
...falls under the category "it'll work,inexpensive,high degree of repeatability"
...therefore they'll never get
Hey Ken...
Ain't it the truth? Wonder why we insist on making so much more difficult than they need be?
Hey, appreciate the visit, buddy!
That looks like a good idea, but I wonder how many people would get involved in rear end collisions by drivers who aren't paying attention and brake their vehicle at the last moment. But I do agree, would slow the traffic down some.
Hey Anon 1152...
You just never know how people will react, that's for sure!
Always oing to be some tail gaters in the bunch!
Thanks for coming by today!
Hey, Mister Hermit, sir - they're portable holes! That's an old, old gamer concept inspired by Wil E Coyote. Heh. Acme strikes again.
They remind me of Shaker Road in NH - the frost heaves and potholes woud challenge the sispension of an H2!!
Shade and Sweetwater,
Hey K...
I KNEW I had seen these holes before! No wonder Acme has managed to stay in business for so long!
I think that every town has some of these somewhere within the town limits.
Thanks for coming by!
Hmmmm, maybe because its so early in the morning or maybe because I dont like deception, but I dont like it Jim.
those that will go too fast will still do it after they realize what it is. the others will only be distracted.
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