No post today, my friends! I'm going to take the day off...
Instead of a regular post, let me just ask you to do me a favor if you will! It's just a couple of small things that I guarantee will make your week seem a lot more fulfilled!
Find someone to hug! Doesn't have to be for any particular reason, you don't even have to say anything...just give someone a heartfelt hug!

Next, find some time today to gather with some of your friends! You know, just like we have coffee together in the mornings. Nothing can make you feel better than to know that your friends are there to help give you support if you need it! But remember, you need to be there to support your friends as well...after all, friends offering support to one another is what life's all about, isn't it?

Lastly, look around and see if your special friend, the one you don't ever have to doubt, the one who just knows when you need some closeness, the one who accepts you just the way you anywhere close. If they are, then take the time to take their hand, smile a bit, and silently take a peaceful walk together!
That, my friend, is tonic for the soul!

Now, let's get some coffee and sit together for a bit...OK?
that is sooooooo heartwarming, unclehermitjim! hope this finds you well...i did the first thing just as soon as i got to the office this morn...i hugged marilou and ellen my co-workers! i just love them!
thanks so much for the lovely animal photos!
warm sunshine from this side of the earth...(yes, we do have some sun now! but, we're expecting another typhoon!) gee, i'll have that coffee with you...
By the way, unclehermitjim, i read your previous post, re "women over forty"...wonderful time of my life, when i reached 48, and that's just this year.
it is at this point in time when both good and bad memories are well-taken, pains are considered lessons to be learned and mistakes, opportunities to grow...
i love being the "sandwich generation" , being daughter to my mom and mom to my daughter (yehey!)and learning lots from this. it teaches me to be more loving to old folks, and more understanding to the younger generation. when i see mom, i see where i'm going. when i see daughter, i see where i came from. isn't it wonder-full?!! blessings come in all forms, colors, sizes and shapes. at this age,it's just so beautiful to look back at life and heave a big sigh and thank God for everything, as in EVERYTHING past, and look forward and still remain grateful for this age i continue to grow in beauty and wisdom...
let's have another cup of that great coffee you have there!
Have a great day off sir, I really enjoyed reading this post. Always nice to take a step back and gain some perspective.
Cute photos. Thanks for the words of wisdom. ((((Hugs)))) to you also.
Kudos sir, I like it and will endeavor to put it to work.
Love your words to go with the pic, Bubba. Your input is always an improvement, no matter what the subject...Keep the home fires burning!
Big hugs - and more coffe, please!
Good Morning MY Special One, warm long fuzzy hug for you today and everyday. Those photo's capture your words so perfectly.OXOX
Have a great day and lets enjoy the coffee this morning.
Hey buddy, Sorry I havent commented in a while. Ive been gone as you know but to come back and find this post Yeehaw. I loved it. Thanks
Enjoy yer day off!
Hugs work for me. Enjoy your day.
Hey, Mister Hermit, sir - how 'bout I send you a cyber hug on this cold, rainy day?
Shade and Sweetwater,
Hey WW...
Always good to see you, my friend! I'm glad you are finally getting a bit of sunshine...and I hope that the coming storm is not as bad as the last!
You are at an interesting and ebjoyable time in your lie, indeed! It's important that you hol on to all that you learn from Mom and pass it on to daughter!
Often lessons learned at our mother's knee are the ones that guide us the truest in life!
Thanks so much for coming by!
Hey Anon 552...
It's a heartwarming thing to get such nice comments from readers! I do appreciate it, and I appreciate the visit as well!
Hey Rae...
I'll take that hug, thank you very much! Can't ever have too many of them, ya know?
I am so glad you could come by today! Thank you!
Hey YOF...
Glad you liked the post, my friend! I sure am glad you had the time to drop in and visit for a minute...
Thanks for coming by!
Hey Sis...
Good to see you this morning! I'm saving one or two of them for another post!
It's always a pleasure to hear from you and I thank you for coming by today!
Hey JoJo...
I like those long and fuzzy hugs...a lot! I am really glad you could bring one by today!
Always does my heart good to see you, my friend!
Hey OGT...
Good to see you, my man! Hope the trip to the slbs was a good one!
I'm pleased that you enjoyed the post, and I sure am glad to have you stop by for a cup of coffee!
Hey Mayberry...
Thanks, buddy! I appreciate that!
Thanks for dropping in!
Hey Tony...
Guess at our age, we can appreciate them more each day, huh?
Good to see you this morning, and thanks for the visit...!
Hey K...
That cyber hug will be warmly recieved, without a Georgia Peach!
Thanks for coming by today and you stay warm, OK?
enjoy the day off. see you tomorrow.
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