I'm going to warn you here...if you like chocolate, this may make your mouth water!
Even if you don't like chocolate, you can just enjoy the beauty of the creation! See, something for everyone...just because I'm such a nice guy!
There were actually more pictures, but just as a matter of safety...I ate them! Didn't want to subject you to any bad stuff, ya know?

Just think, after eating the chocolate inside...you can eat the box! How cool is that?

It just gets better and better! Someone put a lot of thought and time into these creations, don't you think?

What do you want to bet, these won't be one of those gifts that never gets used! They probably wouldn't last the night!

I'm sure that if the grown-ups don't finish them off right away, the kids around will be more than happy to chip in and do their part! Might take a few raps on the knuckles to prevent this from happening anyway!

Boy, my tummy is growling already! I hope someone brought donuts for the coffee today! No donuts? How about some cookies or cake or rolls or turnovers or...ANYTHING?
Well, let's at least get some fresh coffee, my friends, and sit outside for a bit...we can listen to the growling of our tummies in harmony!
Oh my, Uncle Hermit, I think you may have just sent me to a delectable chocolate heaven.
How about some double chocolate chip muffins to go with that coffee today?
Have a good one, my friend.
Hey Felinae...
It does look good, doesn't it? I gain about 3 or 4 pounds every time I look at it!
I'll take you up on those mufins for my coffee, for sure!
Thanks for dropping in, my friend!
Thanks for making me gain weight from just looking at the pictures. ;-)
Hey Catman...
Does seem to have that effect, doesn't it? But what a way to go...with a smile on your face and chocolate in your tummy!
Thanks for the visit, buddy!
Sorry, Mister Hermit sir...no chocolate here...but if you don't mind waiting until later today, I'll have banana bread fresh from the oven, and there's Irish butter to go with it...
Meanwhile...I'm awfully glad those are just pictures, or I'd be going to bed wired and twenty pounds heavier.
Shade and Sweetwater,
I'm sitting here eating Fudge-at 6:30 in the a.m.-so yes, this is a chocolate fantasy. And suddenly THIS fudge doesn't look quite as delicious. Your treats look MUCH better.
Have a great weekend!
I have little ones, so I see lots of chocolate on my walls and furniture. This would be too much of a temptation and we'd have sticky everywhere. They would be in paradise.
Chocolate is yummy. I love Cadbury Fruit and Nut bar, and dark chocolate-covered almonds, and Blue Bell chocolate-covered strawberries in vanilla ice cream and ......
"....... and twenty pounds heavier."
It is a matter of taste, to be sure.
I thought that several of the ladies on the Biggest Loser tv show were more desireable before they lost weight.
Chocolate in any form is GOOD. One needs to eat some every day...good for your health.
Does,indeed, look good. If you aren't tired of it, I have another chocolate cake (of course, made from scratch!)
OH MY! And you went and ate some of the pictures, they must have been even better looking than these. But I can't imagine it. :P Made me drool all over the desk. You know I am a terrible chocolate lover. I will stop at the store and bring a big bag of goodies with me to the coffee table my Special One.
I think you're being cruel - I started my '3months 20pound to lose' diet this AM.
On the other hand, there's always tomorrow :)
Oh! I want! Wonder if I can find something similar over here? Now I know what I´ll do early next morning! Driving to the closest town looking for chocolat :-)
Have a great day now!
Hey K...
For banana bread I don't mind waiting! I love the stuff!
You're so good to me, I may have to adopt you!
Thanks for the visit...!
Hey Sue...
My kind of woman...eating fudge at 6:30 in the A.M. ! Sounds like a great breakfast to me...!
I sure am glad that you came by today, Ms. Sue!
Hey kris...
That's why you need a BIG inside dog, to lick the walls AND the children! Couldn't hurt!
Thanks for the visit today!
Hey Vlad...
We used to have a saying that "just more to love!" which is a good way to look at it!
Thanks for coming by today, buddy!
Hey Tony...
Couldn't agree more with ya on that! More is better in this case...!
Thanks for dropping in, my friend!
Hey Sis...
Never get tired of chocolate anything! Bring on the cake!
I sure am glad you came by today!
Hey JoJo...
I knew that I could count on you to bring me some goodies to the table this morning!
Thanks, sweetie, for coming by!
Hey Bellen...
I'm sure sorry about the timing of the chocolate and the diet thing...but like you said, tomorrow is another day!
I appreciate you coming by today!
Hey Christer...
Hope you find some...maybe you should keep some around the house!
Thank you for coming by today, my friend!
Oh.... wow... :-o
AARRRGGHHHH...they look HEAVENLY!!! I LOVE chocolate (particularly dark chocolate), but if I'm given such beautiful creations, I don't know if I have the heart to eat those boxes or not...too beautifuuullll!!!
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