I don't know how this big boy managed to hide from me for so long, but he did!
Mother Nature can really hid those veggies, can't she? I go to the garden and get okra every day and always look at the other plants while I'm there. Finally today I spotted this bad boy hiding under a vine on the ground!
At first I thought I must have found a small watermelon, but then I remembered I didn't plant any! Anyway, it's just a little too big for my quart canning jars, don't you think?

It's about 18 inches long and weighs just at 1.5 pounds...if my scale is right! Feels heavier than that! How could I miss it for so long?

When placed next to a banana at Mom's house...you can get a feel for just how large this thing is!

I was going to leave it in Mom's fruit bowl on the table...but for some reason, it wouldn't fit! Can't imagine why...!

Anyway, if the squash and tomatoes catch up to the cukes...I'll be overwhelmed! Might have to rethink the whole canning thing, and just eat a lot of stuff from the garden. I can see a LOT of salad and bread and butter pickles in my future!
Gotta love it when a plan comes together! Now, how about some fresh coffee on the patio? Want salad with that?
...pickle envy...(?)
Wow! how much pickle relish would that make?
Hey Ken...
I won't even tell you what I was thinking when I first found it! It was along those lines, though!
Thanks for coming by!
Hey Stephanie...
It's gonna make a lot of something, that's for sure!
A couple more like this and I can make a BUNCH of pickles!
Thanks for coming by this morning!
Wow! that would sure make a pretty good sized batch of cucumber salad.
Excellent find, wonder what else is hiding in that garden.
Hey Felinae...
it certainly would make a lot of slices, that's for sure!
As far as what else is hiding there...I'm going to look a lot harder from now on! Don't want to be attacked by a giant veggie, ya know?
Thanks for coming by, my friend!
Congratulation! What a great start of Your cucumbers :-) Over here I´ve just put out my tomatoe plants :-) It´ll take at least a month until I can see any result :-)
Have a great day now!
You could have a fresh cucumber salad, a jar or two of pickles and some relish on the side out of that big baby! If you HAD noticed when it was 'normal' size, you would never have seen what it could be! We need to be amazed my vegetables once in a while.
: )
Good Morning My Special One
WOW! That is a beauty. A long time ago I had a garden that we watered with washing machine water and we had some amazing veggies growning, it was fun. Hope you find more jumbo veggies.
Coffee on that lovely patio sounds great too.
Neat Barney,I am probably the only reader you have that does not eat those or their drunk cousin. PICKLES.. Just never cared for them.
That's Some pickle, Jim. Last year, Grenville grew zucchini the size of small baseball bats (no kidding). We quickly learned (1) you CAN grow TOO much zucchini (2) six plants are way too many for 2 people (3) everyone has excess (4) it doesn't freeze well so (5) we ate a lot of it last year.
Maybe we can find a pic of one of the oversized ones, to post on our blog. This year, we have fewer zucchini plants.
No cukes for us cause Grenville canned some of last year's harvest and we're still eating them!
Hey Catman...
My thoughts exactly! Lots of potential here!
Hey, thanks for coming by today!
Hey Christer...
Good luck with the tomatoes! Nothing taste as good as tomatoes fresh out of the garden...
Sure beats the taste of the store bought!
Many thanks for the visit!
Hey WWRWH...
It's always an exciting experience to me to be able to grow something to eat! Nothing is more fun or satisfying!
Well, at least at my age!
I appreciate the visit this morning!
Hey JoJo...
I've done that before! Wash water does seem to be great for growing some good garden items!
I do hope you get to do some plants in containers this season! It's a good way to feel better about some of what you eat!
Be careful on your trip tomorrow, OK?
Thanks for coming by, sweetie!
Hey Ben...
I don't eat as many of them as I used to! Tey seem to stay with me a little while, know what I mean?
I know several folks that don't eat them, so it's not uncommon!
Hey, thanks for coming by, buddy!
Hey Beatrice...
I know what you mean about growing way too much of some things! This year I've really cut back on the number of plants I put out!
Funny how the veggies you want to share...are the ones that everyone else has too much of!
I'd like to see the pis, if and when you find them! Always nice to have a garden picture, ya know?
Thank you for the visit this morning!
Yikes! It's a big 'un. Would make a great cucumber salad for about 12 people, eh?
Hey Momlady...
That sounds like a fair estimation to me!
I'm sure I'll find something to use it for...! Lots of possibilities, ya know?
Thanks for coming by today!
They grow them big in Texas. Make it into a giant pickle and put it on a big venisonburger. Thanks for another great lesson.
I call those "stealth cucumbers"...'cause they sneak up on you.
One pickle slice per bun and I think you could do an entire grill's worth of July 4th hamburgers! Hope a tomato hides from you-- and the birds HA!-- for so long...
Slainte, Uncle Hermit!!!
Hey Mechanic...
Sounds good, but I don't have any venison! Want to send me a couple of pounds?
It's a great idea, though!
Thanks for the visit today!
Hey Catherine...
That they do! This one was hiding pretty good! Funny how nature protects all the good stuff, isn't it?
I appreciate you dropping in today!
Hey Cyg...
I'm thinking that one slice should be enough, for sure!
I'm thinking of cucumbers and thin slices of onion, marinated over night in vinegar, with a good portion of black pepper! Goes good with a lot of dishes!
Have a great day...and thanks for coming by today!
Bread and butter pickles....Yummy Yummy.
See Ya
Hey Tony...
Does sound good, doesn't it? Especially home made!
Hey, thanks for coming by today!
Not only do you have a green thumb...you now posses a green hand eh?
Hey Diane-Sage...
We better wait until we see how the rest of the garden does before we say that! Would hate to jinx it, ya know?
I'm hoping that everything else turns out nicely as well!
Thans for dropping in today !
Holy wow, Mister Hermit, sir!
We planted some Yard Longs, and they're just coming in...but nothing like that monster of yours. That's truly awesome.
Meawhile, do you have a pickle recipe? I'm hoping to learn how to make dills this summer, and I'd better get on it...
Shade and Sweetwater,
Oh my gosh! Find yourself a county fair, now! You need to enter that puppy in a contest. (Literally, bigger than a puppy.)
Hey K...
I don't have one handy, but you can get one from the Almanac recipe section.
I'm sure that there are a lot of recipes online!
Thanks for coming over today!
Hey Ginger...
I'll bet that someone out there has a bigger one than this! I'd hate to think I only had big ones, but if I do...I'll live with it!
I sure appreciate you coming by today!
Weird you post this… all day, the words "I don't want a pickle, I just wanna ride my motorcycle…." have been running through my head. lol
Recognize the words? lol
Hey Acorn...
I don't recognize the words, but that's not unusual...with my memory being what it is!
Funny that we would both be in a "pickle" frame of mind!
Thanks for coming by today!
Quite a cuke! I did the same thing with zucchini last year-had some so big my 8 year old grandson could hardly lift them. Both kinds can sure be sneaky!
That would make a huge batch of cucumber-onion salad!
Ah, it's a line from Arlo Guthrie's Motorcycle Song (the significance of the pickle).
Not sure why I was hummin' about pickles since the majority of the day was spent knee-deep in strawberry jam. :)
Have a great evening.
Came here via Tatersmama....glad I did! And yes, salad would be great with coffee! My two fav foods!!
Hey Cotton Lady...
I've had a little experience with those zucchini before! Hide they will!
Two more like this would feed my next family get-together!
Thanks for the visit!
Hey Acorn...
Thanks for the reminder! I should have remembered, but like I said...
Glad you came by today!
Hey W.O.W....
Glad to have you come by today. Always room for one more on the patio!
Thanks for the visit!
Wow, mutant cucumber. Could you somehow blame it on the oil spill and get a settlement out of BP? :^)
That is indeed one big cuc . . .
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