Many of us know that between friends, lover's and partners...words are not always necessary!
A touch, a look, or even some closeness is often enough. Life's funny that way!

Despite all our differences, we can indeed get along. We can even learn to overlook the things that separate us and make us afraid of one another...but only if we truly want it!
Like I's funny that way!
Now how about some coffee in the kitchen this morning? Rainy outside!
That bird would be so dead in my house.....
I wonder what that says about my tribe...
Aww...that is too cute, and Uncle Hermit I could not agree with your words more.
Thanks for sharing this today :)
Hey Catman...
Maybe it's just that your tribe is running on instinct! As this kitten gets older, I'll bet that the hunting instinct will kick in!
Right now it makes a good picture!
Thanks for the visit, buddy!
Hey Felinae...
I'm glad you enjoyed both the pics and the words! The pics are cute, aren't they?
Hey, I appreciate the visit today!
Jim, those photos are so great (OK cute too). Let's hope the bird and kitten can remain friends, despite their natural instincts. BTW what are their names cause I haven't read all the older posts.
And, any decision on that oversize cuke? Grenville corrected me and said he IS growing cukes this year, but only for salads.
It's great to see peace in today's violent world. Maybe we need to take a hint from the simpler ways in life. Thanks for another great lesson.
What great pictures, my friend! My cats have all been raised around birds, and have never show any interest in killing them. I've never lost a single bird in 10+ years!
A friend sent this video to me yesterday, and I have to admit that I got a little teary. ;)
Hmmm? If the link doesn't work, just search you tube for Kitten raised by Crow. Or Crow raises Kitten.. Something like that anyway! It's a great video!
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