The government just couldn't stand it, even then!
The Compromise of 1850 allowed Texas to sell off about 1/3 of her claimed territory. I have a feeling that maybe the sheer size of Texas at that time was bothersome to the government! For what ever reason, the state was broken up and this is what happened back then!
9 September 1850
During its early years of statehood, Texas claimed territory about fifty percent larger than its present boundary, including parts of the present states of New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming (see graphic below). Much of this land was contested by other groups, with the result that emotions on both sides of the issue reached the point of hostility by 1850.BREAKUP OF TEXAS:
Of the land claimed by Texas after annexation , about 1/3 was ceded to the U. S. in exchange for $10 million in the Compromise of 1850. Four different plans for the breakup were proposed in the boundary dispute.

Plans for settling the dispute were discussed in the U. S. Congress beginning in early 1850. At least four of these plans gained serious attention (identified by their congressional sponsors):
* Thomas Benton Plan (January 16) -- would divest Texas of its northern and western territory and later split Texas into two states.
* John Bell Plan (February 28) -- similar to Benton's Plan, but would split Texas into three states.
* Henry Clay Plan, representing a committee of thirteen (April 17) -- reduced the size of Texas by about the same amount, but with no provision for further subdivision.
* James Pearce Plan (August 5) -- similar to Clay's Plan, but set the boundaries known today.

The Pearce Plan was adopted on September 9, 1850. Although Texas lost almost one-third of its territory under this plan, the settlement also included compensation of $10,000,000, which provided much needed funding for Texas to pay its pre-statehood debts. The plan defined the familiar boundaries known by all Texans today.
The resolution of this boundary dispute, along with other national legislation related to sectional and slavery issues, became known collectively as the Compromise of 1850.
We may have been reduced in size, but never in attitude! At least, not in my opinion!
Now, my friends, how about some coffee on the patio this morning!
Let's go reclaim it!
when we take back that small chunk of NM, does Billy Bob get to stay?
Interestint that if all of the territories west of the Mississippi river had been left at their original size, there would have only been four or five states out here, not sure that Texas would even have been the biggest.
Wow, I knew Texas was much larger, but I didn't know we extended way up into Wyoming . . . Jeezy Peezy, that is big.
I live waaaay down there near the mouth of the Rio Grande, and taking a drive to another state is at least a 10 hour proposition. Its a big a$$ state is all I'm saying . . .
Good Morning My Special One
I have finially caught up reading all your posts.
I read about this big break up before it is very interesting and also AZ was part of NM. History is so interesting.
I know you will be ready for the storms and anything else mother nature throws your way.
Coffee sounds wonderful before I start running around again today.
Remember just a few years ago, there was some off the wall group that wanted Texas to succeed? Yea,like that's goonna happen. Hell,we'd go broke bailing out the rest of the states. I do wish we had a big ole fence across the NORTH border though.
If Texas is going to secede or take back the land, I'm coming down to join your rebel army! Thanks for another great lesson.
Hope China isn't the next debt-relief influx! [Thanks, Hillary and Barak, for bartering with Eminent Domain...]
A few years ago, The Texas Country Reporter went to the "old" most northern part of the Texas border. By "old" I mean pre 1850. He tried to show just how big Texas used to be. Very interesting.
Hay Ben, I think Texas would get along just fine as it's own country.
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