I guess I had it wrong all this time!
I always thought that the saying was "love is blind", but I guess that it should be "love is in the blind"!
I can't fault the couple for getting married in such pleasant surroundings. I mean, you have trees and birds singing and gentle breezes...just the kind of setting that's so pleasant for true nature lovers.
Plus, neither of them was armed! That's a good start!

Camo-wearing bowhunters marry in tree
ANAMOSA, Iowa — An Iowa couple whose passion for bowhunting encouraged Cupid's arrow to strike wore camouflage to blend in with the wooded backdrop at their treetop wedding.
Forty-two year-old Kim Silver dressed in a silk gown made by camouflage specialists Mossy Oak, and her 61-year-old groom, Marvin Hunter, was dressed in camo shirt and pants at the Saturday nuptials.
They said their vows atop a tree stand hunting platform at the Anamosa Bowhunters Archery Club in the state's northeast. The bride and groom occasionally punctuated the ceremony by firing arrows at targets.
Hunter said the couple had always joked about getting married on a tree stand. Silver said the pair hunt together so much that the camo wedding "just seemed like the right thing to do."
I can only imagine what the wedding shower must have been like. I'm thinking the cake and the gifts must have been something to behold!
Do you suppose tat they spent their honeymoon in the same hunting blind they used for the wedding? Good way to break in that new double sleeping bag, don't ya think?
Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit in the hunting blind...I mean, the kitchen!
My Oh My...too funny and yet so romantic eh?
Hey Diane-Sage...
I guess it's all relative!
In a way, it's kinda cool;!
Hey,thanks for coming by today!
Morning HJ, I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee reading this story and it goes to show that noe everyone had a "traditional" take on weding ceremonies. Granted this one was unusual, but then it sure was interesting AND made the papers too! I'm not sure about spending a honeymoon in a hunting blind, much prefer indoors myself!
ENjoy your Friday and Happy soon-to-be holiday weekend!
Guess everyone has to have their 5 minutes of fame huh?
An outdoor wedding I can understand, but..
Ya gotta love it when people think outside of the box. I mean, silk camo dress made by Mossy Oak? And check out that black iron railing on that tree stand. I would love to know what the wedding cake was shaped like… or made from. Venison wedding cake, anyone?
Good Morning My Special One
I can see getting married in the forest it is a beautiful places....But all the camo is a bit much lol
I guess you are still getting quite a bit of rain. But coffee in the kitchen is fine with me. when your with good friends its all good.:)
A true love wedding. Sure beats wearing a tux.
Coffe is good this morning.
See Ya.
Certainly to each his/her own as long as they are sincere. Must be for her to have a gown made of silk (wonder what that cost) vs. just buying camouflage at Gander Mountain, etc.
Love ya.
I didn't get married in camo but it will be 32 years for me this October. There's a good chance my son will get married in camo with his german shorthair as the best man. I also can't think of a better place then in the woods. Thanks for another great lesson.
Hey Beatrice...
One thing about it, I'll bet they have a lot of memories to share in their later years!
Who knows, they may start a new trend!
Wouldn't be surprised if the camo company used them in a commercial!
Hey, thanks for the visit today!
Hey Ben...
Bet it did bring that, for sure! And without a doubt, this does classify as an outdoor wedding!
Thanks, buddy, for coming by this morning!
Hey Acorn...
I was noticing that stand myself! Not your typical thrown together deer stand!
High class all the way!...and definitely outside the box!
Thanks for the visit!
Hey JoJo...
It is original, that's for sure! Looks like they had a great day for it!
Ain't true love grand?
Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!
Hey Tony...
That it does, buddy! no formal attire for this couple...and ready to go (hunting, that is).
Wonder if they brought their bows?
Thanks for dropping in today!
Hey Sis...
I really can't say much, since I was hitched one time at a softball game, ya know?
Hope theirs last longer than mine did!
I appreciate you coming by today!
Hey Mechanic...
Gotta admit, it's a pretty place to tie the knot!
As far as the dog as the best man...I have always heard that your best friend should be your best man, so I guess it makes sense!
I do appreciate the visit, buddy!
OK, I see the preacher and some other guy standing next to him... But where are the bride and groom? Since the article is about them, shouldn't they be in the picture somewhere? I don't see them.
I guess as long as they're happy, the clothes and location do not matter much.
I am really not a fan of camo, but I'm kinda liking the style of the dress. :)
As for the cake, hehehe, bakers/decorators can do wonders with fondant and an air brush.
We've had customers at the bakery bring in cake toppers that they got at Cabela's or Bass Pro Shops. Pretty interesting to say the least ;)
Have a great day
Hey Ashley...
Shows how good the Mossy Oak folks are!
Thanks for the visit.
Hey Felinae...
Does make you marvel at the human imagination, doesn't it?
Folks can really get creative when they want to!
hey, thanks for coming by, my friend!
Hey Steve...
I appreciate the kind words today!
Glad you liked the post, and also glad you could gcome by today!
I can say that I’ve taken part in 2 outdoor weddings, once as an assistant packer and once as a photographer.
The first was for a couple who were ardent back packers. The wedding took place at Paradise Lake in the Marble Mountain Wilderness Area and was attended by over 50 people. Everyone hiked in, including the preacher. The only exceptions were the parents of the bride, the head packer, and myself, who rode horses and led pack mules carrying supplies. I learned how to pack a wedding cake on a mule on that trip. Good trick!
The other took place at an old hunting camp in the Trinity Alps Wilderness where a farrier (guy who shoes horses) and his bride got hitched. About 30 people packed in to that one on horses and mules, including the judge who performed the services. I took the wedding photos on that one. Shining times!
I found the groom's body language to be most interesting... I almost feel sorry for him.
I am all for outdoor weddings... had a couple of them myself!
Awwww, camo romance! Sweet...
Hey Bob...
That must have been some experience! How does one pack a wedding cake on a mule, anyway?
I think it's great that so many of their friends showed up at the ceremonies!
Thanks for coming by today!
Hey Possum...
You noticed that as well, huh? Looks to me like he is alreadey having second thoughts!
Too late now, I think!
Hey, appreciate you coming by!
Hey Ginger...
It is sort of memorable, isn't it?
None3 of mine were like that!
Hey, my friend, thank you for coming by today!
"Hey Bob...
That must have been some experience! How does one pack a wedding cake on a mule, anyway?"
Jim, unless you know something about packing mules to start with it's pretty hard to explain. Let's just say "very carefully", but believe me it can be done. :)
A body language expert would say that he is as not involved in the relationship as her due to his arm dangling while she grabs on to him like a sinking ship.. Nice wedding however and I hope for the best for them!
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