Here is a good shot of my friend from New Zealand...Minerva!
I'm not sure about the grumpy old guy standing next to her, but he looks surprisingly a lot like the guy that lives in my mirror!
This was taken in the kitchen while we were watching the rain come down (in buckets, I might mention)! During times like this with all the rain and storms, it pays to stay close to the coffee pot!
It looks like the rain has stopped for a least for no, so tomorrow we are out to see some of the sights again! Rain or shine!

It's been a nice visit so far! Minerva has been working on speaking Texan and learning all about some favorite southern foods! She already knows more about Texas history than a lot of Texans I know! She has been to the Alamo and was moved by it and the story about it!
Lots more pictures to be taken, more sights to see, more food to sample, and certainly more coffee to drink!
Let's all meet up on the patio for a cup, OK?
What a wonderful picture; I am glad you two are having a fun visit. :)
Coffee cup in hand, a man after my own heart. ;)
I hope the weather holds for the remainder of the visit. Wouldn't want you to miss out on that food sampling. :D
Have fun and I am looking forward to the pics.
Well, you kids have fun Jim, but stay outta trouble eh.
First it was Alex, now this tropical depression - yikes, the mosquitos! Where is Pecos Bill when you need him!
I'm glad to hear you are getting along with your friend, I hope she really enjoys her stay. I've always been fascinated with New Zealand and I hope I get to visit that country before I pass on.
Please don't let her leave without tasting a good selection of breakfast tacos. For me, as necessary as a good cup of Joe in the morning.
Hope both of you have a great weekend.
We know you're busy with your visitor but thanks for updating us.
I bet you are like most of us are when visitors come .. Things we take for granted in our Town are all knew and exciting to them. So, Just pull up a tourist map and Get after it,,hell, go act like a tourist in your own town.. Shoot, take her to experience what used to be anyway, the best Mexican food down there.
The Original Ninfa's on 2704 Navigation Boulevard
Good Morning My Special One
I am so happy you are doing your best tourist guide duty. You are the best person for the job, you are always well informed and keep yourself up on all things. Hope the rain lets up so you two can keep going. Nice picture keep em coming.
How nice to have a friend from down under. Maybe some day you can visit her there. Have a wonderful visit. By the by, the "old" man doesn't look all that grumpy to me.
Always good to have an old friend visit.
Kinda like going into the attic and finding something you haven't seen in years or something you had as a kid. That warm fuzzy feeling that brings a smile to your face.
Have a safe and happy visit with your friend.
So glad you are both enjoying the visit. Looking forward to more pictures.
She couldn't have a better guide, either!
Aww... Mr Jim, it's good to finally see you! Minerva looks like a lovely lady, and I'm so glad that the two of you are having such a good time! Has Minerva tried breakfast burritos yet? Chili? Cornbread or pone?
Hmm... And now I'm kind of wondering what that Kiwi mixed with some Texan accent sounds like now! lol!
I know that when I go home, I'm told I sound like an Aussie, (my son keeps saying "pardon?" a lot) but here, they tell me I sound like a Yank - and say the same thing! Well... more like WHAT did you say? lol!
Geez... I have all kinds of questions! But I'll let you enjoy your visit, and I'm sure you'll fill us in when you get the chance!
Today I had shrimp gumbo for lunch. Was very good too!
The Hermit is an excellent host and sightseeing guide.
Okay, H.J. - when I asked you to send us your rain I didn't know you really would. It is pouring, albeit briefly, here in the high desert of Oregon. But did you send the thunder and lightning, too? If so, stop, a tree down the road is on fire right now and the rural fire response team is working on it.
Enjoy your company - so much fun to share time with someone from far away.
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