Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Feeling Nostalgic...?

Here is a little fact about the feeling of nostalgia that you may find interesting. It probably applies more to those of us a bit older in years that it does to the young folks out there.

There are two different types of nostalgia. Restorative nostalgia is when you feel like things used to be better and you long to relive the past, and reflective nostalgia is when you feel wistful about how different things used to be, but you maintain a sense of amused acceptance.

Now I guess we need to ask ourselves which type we fall under...and if even really matters.

Coffee out on the patio again this morning!


Mamahen said...

I guess I really not sure which I fall under. It seems sometimes I lean one way, and want to relive the past, but other timrs, I ban accept it as being just that. The past. Patio sounds good:))

Gorges Smythe said...

I suspect we all go back and forth between the two.

linda m said...

I am not sure I fall under either category. Sometimes I wish for the "good old days" and other times I am glad I am where I am. I know that I do long for the simpler way of life than the hectic one we live in now. Patio sounds great as the weather here has turned bitter cold.

Momlady said...

I'd say I go with both. Guess it depends on my mood. At the moment I go with Linda M and wish for simpler times and public tension.

Momlady said...

Less public tension.

HermitJim said...

Hey Mamahen...
I am sort of back and forth myself. Seems natural to me.
Thanks for stopping by this morning!

Hey Gorges...
I think you're right.
Thanks for coming over today!

Hey Linda...
I reckon that all of us lean a bit toward both ways.
Thanks for the visit today!

Hey Momlady...
I'll agree with your way of thinking.
Thanks for coming over today!

JO said...

I just wish I had the younger healther body I once had.

Patio time sounds good.

HermitJim said...

Hey Jo...
Now, that is a feeling I can get behind.
Thanks, dear, for dropping by this morning!

Rob said...

I look back and see things from when I was younger. I was younger & the world "was" different, I often wonder if I'm looking back at "me"? The younger me & all that I was. I do accept the changes, things change... When I was a kid the word "gay" meant happy, the police were your friends & reporters had integrity.

I honestly think I'm living in the "Golden Age" right this very moment! Social security still works, my military pension still works, gasoline is still available, the roads are still in good shape, I have the world's knowledge in my pocket, I can still walk & I remember who you are!

Will my grandkids have things this good? I don't know....

HermitJim said...

Hey Rob...
I think we all question what the future holds fgor our offspring...I know I do. I would like to think I am a better person than I was when I was younger, but I guess that is for someone else to figure out.
Thanks for stopping by today!

IanH said...

Guess I need to live 100 years ago with what I know now, particularly about the stock market!

Sixbears said...

Someday I'll look back on this post fondly.

HermitJim said...

Hey Ian...
It sure wo0uld be helpful in avoiding some pitfalls, wouldn't it?
Thanks for dropping by today!

Hey Sixbears...
It might make you a tad nostalgic when you do, ya know?
Thanks for coming by today!