Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Jello Socks...?

It seems like everyday we are finding a new use for plants and animal by-products. All the rage right now is a plant based replacement for meat. However, think of all the other uses for the making of clothes and the like. From Listverse, here is an article about gelatin.


You know gelatin as the stuff in your JELL-O, some frosted cereals, and sometimes even yogurt. Where you won’t find gelatin is in your clothes.


While you probably think of gelatin as being gooey and jiggly in consistency, it’s actually a powder made from crushed skin, cartilage, bone marrow, and other animal by-products. This makes it a perfect candidate for a sustainable, less wasteful material from which to make clothes.

Researchers have succeeded in spinning yarn out of gelatin. The yarn is then treated with a spray of formaldehyde gas and lanolin, producing a strong, warm yarn you can spin into gummy-bear mittens (sugary flavor not included).

Using gelatin to make clothes isn’t all that weird, either. The textile industry experimented with using vegetable and food by-products as far back as a century ago, until the petroleum-based industry took over.

Today, as we look for greener and less biologically harmful ways to live, scientists—and designers—are looking for more natural sources for what we wear. It might sound strange now, but you probably won’t give a second thought to wearing JELL-O socks, bamboo dresses, or sour milk shirts in the future.

I guess it's all fine and dandy to find alternative ways to use plants, but are we really to the point in our lives where this is a major concern? How about focusing on something a bit more important...like curing diseases. Worry about the jello socks later.

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


Mamahen said...

Well, that's hard to imagine, and as you said, we have bigger concerns facing us I would think.

HermitJim said...

Hey Mamahen...
Seems to me that too many are concerned with things such as this, when we could really do more for disease research, ya know?
Thanks for coming over today!

linda m said...

Well said Mr. Hermit. Yes, we do have bigger concerns facing us.

Rob said...

Fake meat (I'll bet they don't call it "soylent" anything!) & now clothes out of meat byproducts that used to be sold by Bill Cosby.

They are curing and finding new things all the time. I'd never heard of "shaking leg syndrome" until they had a drug that cured it!

In the world of finding different things to write about, this topic is a winner! I'd always thought that if you were wearing jello you'd had an accident.

HermitJim said...

Hey Linda...
I truly wish that we could go forward on medical research, but we seem to be losing ground instead.
Thanks for stopping by this morning!

Hey Rob...
One thing that bothers me is the fact that some of the "cured" illnesses are making a big comeback.
Thanks for the visit today!

JO said...

Yes we have more important things to fix and worry about. All that wasted money on jello socks and other stupid useless things. I can't believe they haven't found a cure for cancer, but look how much money they would lose in drug sales and others medical folks pockets.

Dizzy-Dick said...

I would probably get hungry and eat my clothes and then would get arrested for indecent exposure.

HermitJim said...

Hey Jo...
I'm sure that some of the research being done is necessary, but too much is not.
Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

Hey Dizzy...
Now THAT would be a sight!
Thanks for the visit today!

Sixbears said...

Just fully legalized the hemp industry again and we'll have plenty of good natural fiber for our needs.

HermitJim said...

Hey Sixbears...
The government used to pay folks to grow hemp for rope, so why not start again...only this time for making cloth?
Thanks for dropping by today!