Saturday, September 1, 2018

They Just Wanted A Taste...!

So many times nature manages to get back at us for messing with her, one way or another. Here is a story that proves that very point!

Fish-Stealing Sperm Whales

Photo credit: BBC

Rather than this being a crime committed by one specific animal, it’s apparently a common occurrence according to Alaskan fishermen. The sperm whales seem to target fishing boats as easy food sources by using an intelligent technique which involves getting the fish off the hooks and swiping them into the water.

This theft has become quite a nuisance to the fishermen, but it’s not likely that it will change anytime soon.

The engine sound of the boat is said to attract the animals, who hunt using sound. They peacefully swim next to the boats, waiting for their moment to strike. They’re certainly clever, so we’d argue that they deserve some snacks.

See what I mean? One way or another, nature always gets even.

Coffee inside this morning!


HermitJim said...

Mamahen said...

That's interesting.

Momlady said...

Wow. We take, they take.

HermitJim said...

Hey Mamahen...
I would have to agree with ya on that.
Thanks for stopping by today!

Hey Momlady...
Seems to be a complete circle, doesn't it?
Thanks for coming over today!

Sixbears said...

Maybe they'll have to fish out of quiet sailboats. :)
50 degrees this morning so the coffee is welcome.

JO said...

Clever little devils aren't they.

Early start this morning so I'm taking my coffee on the run. Have a great day

Dizzy-Dick said...

Humans have taken from Nature for centuries so it is about time that something in Nature takes back from humans. You know, what goes around, comes around.

HermitJim said...

Hey Sixbears...
That's not a bad idea, except on a stormy sea.
Thanks for stopping by today!

Hey Jo...
I hear that they learn quickly.
Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

Hey Dizzy...
I appreciate the visit today!