Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Another Bad Guy Bites The Dust...!

It isn't often that criminals like this joker get caught, but this time was different!

All I can say is, it's about time one of these fools not only got caught...but it's time to put a serious hurt on this guy!

Always a surprise when the crazies show up on your doorstep!

Man Accused of Tainting Water Bottles at Gas Station

Updated: Tuesday, 13 Dec 2011, 2:19 PM CST
Published : Tuesday, 13 Dec 2011, 1:31 PM CST

HOUSTON - Police say a man faces a felony charge after he was spotted injecting a substance into water bottles at a west Houston gas station.

Christopher Slaughter, 26, is charged with ‘tampering with consumer product.’

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office says it was last Thursday when Slaughter was spotted injecting an "unknown substance" into water bottles at a gas station located at 4740 Katy Freeway.

Court documents say it was “probable that the product would cause serious bodily injury, knowing that the product would be offered for sale to the public.”

A witness wrote down Slaughter’s license plate number, and officers with the Houston Police Department later tracked him down and took him into custody.

The D.A.’s office says security video caught Slaughter in the act.

Officials did not disclose whether or not anyone purchased the bad water before it was pulled from store shelves.

Read more:

Ya know, I'm tired of hearing the excuse for these evil so-and-so's. I personally don't care if these characters are crazy, stupid, products of broken homes, or just plain mean hearted! It's time for somebody to put an end to their games...or maybe to them!

If it helps...I'll bring the rope!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Pretty foggy out on the patio!


Rob said...

Another idiot. Sad to say I hope he has no kids.

Gorges Smythe said...

Too many people ignore the first word in "criminally insane."

HermitJim said...

Hey Rob...
Bet we could make sure that he never does!

Thanks for dropping by today!

Hey Gorges...
Very good point! Too many times that is used as an excuse!

I sure do thank you for the visit today!

Spud said...

And the difference between asshats like this guy and todays crop of corporate CEO's is ???

Or politicians for that matter...

Ben in Texas said...

Nutzo!! Put him under the jail..

Reminds me of the AO back in the late 60's that put razor blades in Halloween Candy. They need to be WAY the hell in the back of the jail. So far back they have to pump in sunlight!!

Sixbears said...

What's the point? Random meanness and stupidity?

linda m said...

I'll help hold the rope for you. Something needs to be down with theses people and we need to stop making excuses for their behavior and start punishing them.

Rob said...

Ben if we put him under he may tunnel out. After all they are digging tunnels to bring in drugs and humans now days. Just saying.

Dizzy-Dick said...

Why haven't we been told what he was injecting into those bottles? I, for one, would like to know.

HermitJim said...

Hey Spud...
The main difference is that this one was caught on video!

Other than that...? Who knows?

Thanks for coming by!

Hey Ben...
He will probably get off with a slap on the wrist and be let go.

Crazy world filled with crazy people!

Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

Hey Sixbears...
Guys like this really don't seem to need a reason!

My guess is they are just mean and a little more than crazy!

Thanks for coming by today!

Hey Linda...
I agree, but only if we make it real punishment and not just a token!

Thanks so much for coming over today!

Hey Dizzy...
They may not know just what he used yet! The lab here seems to work pretty slowly!

I'm curious myself!

Thanks for the visit today!

JO said...

Its said to see so many nut jobs out there and more than a little scary to.

Fog you say, can I find my way?
The sun is really shining here today.

TROUBLEnTX said...

You never know what ur getting. I remember the Tylenol thing, couldn't make up my mind to toss em out or not. Finally did.

HermitJim said...

Hey JoJo...
The saddest thing is...there seems to be more of them each day!

The fog seemed to lift fairly well, but it's still damp and overcast! Crazy!

Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by this morning!

Hey Trouble...
Always someone wanting to hurt others!

I'm sure curious as to what brought this on!

You have a great day, and thanks for coming by!

Bob from Athens said...

Maybe for "part" of his punishment, he should be made to drink all the bottles of water that he injected. I would like for him to show us what he intented for it to do. Probably not though, some lawyer would scream self incriminitation.

HermitJim said...

Hey Bob...
Seeing how twisted this guy is, I just know he had some crazy scheme in mind!

Must have been a bad childhood or the like! At least, that's what the lawyers will say!

I appreciate the visit today!

Selous Scout said...

There is a lamp post or tree limb out there somewhere that needs decoratin'.

HermitJim said...

Hey Scout...
One thing we have plenty of in Houston is streetlamps!

We also have a lot of "walking decorations" ! Might be worth looking into!

Thanks for coming by today!

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