Thursday, August 2, 2018

Reanimation Experiments...!

It's scary to think that this type of experiment was actually carried out here in the United States, and it really wasn't that long ago.

Robert Cornish

Dr. Robert Cornish was a genius. He graduated from Berkeley at 18 and received his doctorate at 22. If he had applied his knowledge to a different subject, there’s a good chance he could have changed the world for the better. Unfortunately, he became obsessed with one idea that would dominate his career—reanimation.

His status at Berkeley meant that he could return as a researcher and undertake his studies relatively uninterrupted throughout the 1930s. Cornish believed that a body that had not sustained too much organ damage could be reanimated using a seesaw-like machine that would move the body and restart blood circulation when helped by a healthy dose of anticoagulants.

The weird part was that Cornish succeeded in reanimating two dogs. His efforts were even turned into a 1935 movie where Cornish had a cameo.

Then came his real challenge—reanimating a human. His biggest obstacle was finding a test subject. For years, he petitioned prisons to let him use recently executed criminals. In 1948, Cornish finally found his man. A child killer named Thomas McMonigle was willing to use the “Cornish teeter” after being executed, and San Quentin was apparently willing to let him.

However, there was one problem that Cornish couldn’t overcome: He needed the body right after execution, but procedure dictated that it must remain in San Quentin’s custody for several hours before being released. Cornish never succeeded in performing his experiment on a human test subject.

In case you are interested, the name of the movie was Life Returns and was made in 1935.There is a clip on YouTube.

Coffee in the kitchen once again.


Mamahen said...

Creepy to think even think about in my opinion. Kitchen it is:))

linda m said...

That is just weird and creepy. What a waste of a good mind. thunderstorms here this A.M.

HermitJim said...

Hey Mamahen...
It is a bit creepy, for sure.
Thanks for stopping by this morning!

Hey Linda...
It's a shame he didn't direct all his passion and knowledge in a different direction.
Glad you are getting some rain there.
Thanks for coming over this morning!

Dizzy-Dick said...

That is just what we don't need, a lot of zombies walking our streets and driving down our highways, although it seems that there is a lot of them out there. . .

JO said...

That is just to creepy.

Kitchen is fine not much time Fred off to the vet shots time

Gorges Smythe said...

There's always someone trying to play God.

HermitJim said...

Hey Dizzy...
I believe there are already qu9ite a few driving on our roads here now. Sure seems that way to me.
Thanks for the visit today!

Hey Jo...
It is pretty creepy, without a doubt.
Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

Hey Gorges...
Gonna get worse before it gets better, I'm afraid.
Thanks for stopping by today!