Thursday, August 30, 2018

You Can Nip Me Some Sugar, Please...!

I think we often take so many things for granted today that we forget the fact that the old ways were not always better or simpler.

Sugar Nips

Photo credit:

Sugar was brought to the grocer in cone shapes called “sugar loaves.” Mountains and hats were often named after them due to their distinctive shape. In wealthy households, the mistress of the house would cut up the loaf using sugar nippers to break the hard substance into smaller, usable parts for the table. Only the mistress would do this as sugar was expensive and kept in boxes under lock and key.

The sugar nips were tongs with a flat surface at the end suitable for lifting pieces of sugar. But they were also sturdy and tough. Nips used for cutting were often made from steel, but decorative tongs for table use were often made from silver with elaborate engravings.

Just think how easy it is to run to the market and buy a bag of sugar now days! Don't even need to keep it under lock and key...well, most of the time.

Coffee inside the kitchen today. No sugar is granulated.


Mamahen said...

I never knew this.Interesting:))

bigfoot said...

Never heard of such a thing.

Rob said...

I wonder how expensive it was, not to mention how they made it?

linda m said...

Don't know what I would do without my "granulated" sugar. Guess I am spoiled.

Hermit's Baby Sis said...

I've heard of sugar tongs, used for cubes, but never heard of nips. I know you like your coffee sweet, so better nip off a chunk for yourself!

Big hugs ~

JO said...

I have seen many of the sugar lock boxes but never have I seen those nippers for cutting the sugar, but have seen the tongs for picking it up.

Coffee in the kitchen works for me.

HermitJim said...

Hey Mamahen...
Glad you found it so, my friend.
Tanks for stopping by today!

Hey Bigfoot...
Until I found this article, I had not heaqrd of them either.
Thanks for coming by this morning!

Hey Rob...
I'm betting that sugar was expensive, but how the cones were formed...I'm clueless.
Thanks for the visit this morning!

Hey Linda...
Boy, do I ever know what you mean. I feel the same!
Thanks for stopping by today!

Hey Sis...
Guess that some things are best forgotten, right? I didn't know about them either.
Thanks for coming over, sis!

Hey Jo...
I've never even seen the sugar lock boxes. Learn something new every day, I recon.
Thanks, dear, for dropping by this morning!

Dizzy-Dick said...

I really like sugar and shouldn't eat much of it but I do. I should use a pair of those nippers so I only get a little chunk of sugar at a time.

HermitJim said...

Hey Dizzy...
If you are like me, a little wouldn't do anything to solve the craving. Guess we will just have to live with it.
Thanks for the visit today!