Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Strange Tiny Skeleton...!

I'm sure that most of you have seen pictures of this skeleton before somewhere on the Web, but here is a brief explanation on where it actually came from and the history (probable) behind it.

The Hand-Sized Skeleton

Photo credit: The Telegraph

In a case somewhat reversed, a small humanoid body was found in 2003. Its weird looks made many dismiss the creature outright as fake. The skeleton was found buried in a bag behind a church in Chile’s Atacama Desert.

Several features made it appear impossible to be anything other than a hoax or, for the believers, a tiny alien. It was barely 15 centimeters (6 in) tall with a cone-shaped skull and a rather mean expression, 10 pairs of ribs (humans have 12 pairs), and the bone structure of a six-year-old child.

In 2018, a battery of genetic tests revealed something remarkable. The naturally mummified body was human. Moreover, it was a little girl. She had the typical DNA of the region, which was a mix of European and Native American.

Nicknamed “Ata,” the analysis showed that she had a host of genetic mutations that had deformed her bones and caused dwarfism. Ata probably died after birth and is officially the smallest baby ever born. Unique as she is, perhaps the most surprising thing is that Ata’s parents could still be alive. Her skeleton is an estimated 40 years old.

Sad to think that the skeleton was actually that of a human child, but even sadder that the parents had to suffer the loss of one so young. If the parents are indeed alive, they have been suffering for a long time now.

Coffee inside once again. Still expecting rain...


Sixbears said...

Weird and Sad.

The hot weather has broken and rain moved in. Perfect morning for good hot cup of Joe.

linda m said...

I think I have heard this one before, but not sure. Glad the scientists finally figured it out. Yes, it is sad when one loses a chid; especially one that young. Have a great day.

HermitJim said...

Hey Sixbears...
Glad you are getting some relief from the heat.
Thanks for coming by this morning!

Hey Linda...
Sorry that you may have seen this already, but I try and stay current as I can.
Thanks for stopping by today!

JO said...

This poor baby was so deformed, what would be interesting is what would cause such deformity. And one parent is Native American?

We got a whopper of a storm last night one lightening strike was so close and the thunder so hard it knocked a cup off a wrack and tilted pictures.

Mamahen said...

Sort of a sad case.
The weather has gone from the 90s to the mid 60s in about a 24 he span, making it seem cold to these old bones
, so coffee inside seems nice to me:))

Rob said...

I had not heard of the testing or the results, sad times for someone.