Monday, December 11, 2017

Dark Mysteries For Monday...!

I found some mysterious things on a video from Youtube that you might enjoy today.

Did you enjoy that? I figured you might.

Coffee inside again, but I made peanut butter fudge and fresh chocolate chip cookies to share.


Hermit's Baby Sis said...

Love these stories, Bubba. The ship at least had some kind of clues, unlike the ones where there is no sign of disturbance , just a missing crew and passengers. The toxic lady is really weird, but I always like mysterious lights in the sky, don't I?
Stay warm this morning ~

Sixbears said...

I love these types of mysteries. The world is not only a stranger place than we imagine, but stranger than we can imagine.

Nothing like a good mystery with one's morning coffee.

linda m said...

Love these stories, watch them all the time on TV. Thanks for the mysteries for my snowy Monday morning. Thank you for the fudge and cookies also.

JO said...

I love these mysteries, gives you something to think about.

Peanut butter fudge!! and cookies. You know I'm coming over

HermitJim said...

Hey Sis...
A little something for everyone this time.
Thanks for stopping by today, Sis!

Hey Sixbears...
There always seems to be another mystery right around the corner.
Thanks for coming by today!

Hey Linda...
My pleasure on all counts, my friend.
Thanks for the visit this morning!

Hey Jo...
Certainly food for thought there today.
Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

Dizzy-Dick said...

Always like mysteries and especially those that could have multiple explanations or no explanations. Good post, enjoyed it.

HermitJim said...

Hey Dizzy...
Always good to know that I can help with folks feeling some enjoyment.
Thanks for the visit today!