Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday again...

Not sure what happened to Wednesday! Somehow I think I lost it..or lost track of the days again. That seems to happen more and more, but I think that between feeling poorly and helping my Mom get her wrapping done, I just feel the need to fall into my Hermit-like ways a little more than usual.

I'll finish up with Mom's wrapping tonight, help her with her housework tomorrow (to get ready for a family get-together Saturday) and then I'll take the rest of the weekend off and do the quiet thing again. I prefer peace and quiet to house full of people type noise. Never have been much of a party person...unless you count the years I spent as a semi-grown juvenile in my 20's. Learned a lot in those of which was I don't function well in a party setting.

Anyway, I'm off to make some fresh coffee and do the wrapping thing. Feel free to help yourself, if you want...Just leave the cup, OK?

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